Monday, June 20, 2011

Life as a Nanny

This summer I am nannying full time.

I watch two sets of children.
One family has three kids
{ages 1, 11, & 12},
while the other family has two kids
{ages 5 & 9}.

Needless to say, my summer so far has been busy, busy, busy.

We have been to the pool, the library, the country club,
Vacation Bible School, tutoring, several playgrounds,
the mall, multiple grocery stores, and the list continues.
{Honestly, I don't know how you moms do it --
when the littlest of them all was taking a nap the other day I totally zonked out.
The older kids made fun of me but I was wiped out!}

Here are some snapshots of the smallest of them all:
She is one sweet, sweet girl.

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