Saturday, July 2, 2011

Athens, Greece

I have decided to break down our trip with pictures of each city.
Together, Alex and I took over 1400 pictures.
I am having a time trying to organize them, 
so this was the best I could do for now.

Here are some of our favorites from Athens, Greece:

Alex's first gyro! We were in the Plaka District of Athens. 

On our way up to the Acropolis.

Walking the streets in Athens.

There were so many stray cats EVERYWHERE! These were just precious.
I was made fun of the whole trip for my obsession with cats.
So much so, a mom bought me a cat calendar in Rome on our last night!
Tell me that is not embarrassing?!! I am officially the crazy cat lady.

On top of the Acropolis.
Al & me in front of the Parthenon.

Mr. Bell & I pretending to be Kouros in front of the Parthenon.
He also teaches Humanities.
We are huge Art History NERDS!

Archaic Greek Kouros Statues.
This picture is actually from a museum in Delphi, Greece
but we weren't allowed to take pictures by the monuments,
{it was frowned upon by the locals as disrespectful}.
Good thing Jonathan and I took that picture by the Parthenon!! ;)

Dogs in Athens.

Enjoying Athens, very much so.

Al' amazing photography skills.
This cute old lady had her cat on a leash, I don't know if you can see it,
but it was AWESOME!
I think I am going to get a leash for Cody now!

Next to the Erectheum on the Acropolis.
I love teaching ancient classics -- especially the Porch of Maidens.

Appetizer at Greek Night.

Al & Me at Greek Night.
This picture is deceiving -- it appears as though we are enjoying a romantic dinner alone
but we were surrounded by 25 students, 5 parents
and another group from Minneapolis. :)

Performer at Greek Night!

Dancers at Greek Night

More dancers

Celebrating Connor's 17th birthday at Greek Night.

Up next...
Delphi, Greece!

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