Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Sorrento, Italy

After spending the afternoon in Napoli,
we headed to Sorrento to spend the next two nights.
This place was UNBELIEVABLE!

The picturesque city by the water
was definitely a favorite among both the students and parents,
okay and even the teachers too!

We were fortunate enough to enjoy plenty of free time while in Sorrento
to soak in all the beauty that inhabits the city.

The adults spent both evenings at this hotel terrace,
sipping wine, getting to know each other better, and laughing until our bellies ached.
I long to go back.

The boys, always eager for in impromptu photo shoot, fist pumping the coolest door handle ever!

Oh, what I would give to own that home!?!
Walking the streets near our hotel in Sorrento.

The train leading up to Sorrento

One of our only pictures from the trip
without 500 things around our necks.

Cute little cafe overlooking the water
This cake was on display in the above mentioned cafe.
Quite lovely if I might say so myself.

Absolutely gorgeous!

We had a chance to rest while in Sorrento,
which was really nice.
Alex was playing around with the camera
while I read with my feet out the window.

Sorrento was delightful and both Alex and I would go back in a heartbeat.
During our stay in Sorrento, we made a day trip to Capri.
More on Capri to come! 

1 comment:

Blair said...

This city has been my favorite so far! Beautiful pictures of the buildings and water. Looks like lots of fun :)