Sunday, August 7, 2011


Chicago was a blast.
I love spending time with my brother, Brett, and his wife, Crystal.
They are just good people.
And I like good people.

We didn't do too much while we were there,
except eat and walk.
{I have a gnarly blister to prove the walking part.}

To start off our trip,
I am a goof.
I OD-ed on some allergy eye drops immediately upon arrival.
My right eye had been killing me as I was driving up
so the second we stepped foot in my bro's condo
I doused my eye with eye drops specific for allergies.
Turns out flooding your eye for 30 minutes creates the following result:

My right eye was dilated for the next 24 hours!
Because my eye was so dilated, 
my balance was off and I was really dizzy.
I totally looked like a crazy person!

In the morning, I still had a dilated eye
but did wake up to something quite pleasant.
Crystal's gorgeous fruit plate.
The four of us devoured it in no time.
I am glad I got a couple of pictures before.

Saturday Crystal went to a baby shower
while Brett, Al, and I walked around Wrigleyville.
We were hoping to get tickets to the cubs game,
but we had no such luck.
The weather did not look like it was going to cooperate 
and we struggled to find three tickets together on the street .
Instead, we walked along Lake Shore Drive by Lake Michigan.

This was the coolest. 
I know it is hard to see but there is a woman in yellow and black
dangling from a trapeze.
Apparently, anyone can sign up for trapeze lessons in the park. 
I was very tempted but we kept walking.

We walked and walked until we stumbled upon this lovely sight.
Of course, I had to go in {I bought the dress below} and
the boys continued walking.

Later we caught up with Crystal 
and enjoyed a lovely dinner at Feast.

We ended the night with a walk to Scooter's,
a happenin' custard shop.

Al got strawberry.
I got mocha snickers.

Sunday was very restful with not too much activity.
We went to brunch and wandered through a street festival on Roscoe.
Then Al and I headed back to Louisville. 

Beignet's from Sunday's brunch.
They were so delish.

Inside Brett and Crystal's condo.
I really took this so my family could see their new couch
but they have such an awesome place
I decided to post it on the blog too.

Love visiting Chicago.
We are already planning our next trip!
Brett and Crystal,
thanks for having us.
Come visit us soon.

1 comment:

Blair said...

Glad y'all had such a great time with Brett and Crystal. Food looked scrumptious!