Monday, September 5, 2011

Charlotte, NC

This past weekend we spent time in Charlotte, NC
with our dear friends, Kate & Jimmy.

The whole weekend was a blast --
and I was truly overwhelmed by their amazing hospitality
and Kate's delicious kitchen creations.

Sweet touch: Gummy bears were waiting for us in the guest bedroom.

We got into Charlotte around two o'clock in the morning
late Friday night/Saturday morning.
After a few hours of sleep we picked up our other lovely friends, 
Ed & Juliet
and hit up Breugger's for bagels and then took them 
to the airport to catch their flight to IRELAND!

After breakfast and the shuttle to the airport
we headed to the local farmer's market to get the goodies needed for dinner.

Once home, we relaxed and leisurely prepared dinner.
Y'all, let me just tell you about dinner.
First, we had the most delicious summer salad
with peaches, strawberries, and homemade poppy seed dressing.
Second, we had grilled pizza.
It was out of this world amazing.
Third, we had blueberry cobbler.
All I can say is...
the Dyksterhouses can cook!!

Kate in her beautiful kitchen.

The boys.


Kate's amazing summer salad

Sunday was another delicious day.
We went to Elevation church
and then headed back home for a very healthy lunch
of orzo salad and vegetable sandwiches.

After lunch we went to IKEA.
Alex and I went a little crazy because we do not have this luxury at home.
We bought little things like a drying rack for dishes
and a few wicker baskets.
After our successful shopping trip,
we went to the very cool
There were all sorts of activities to partake in but we decided just to people watch.
We met up with Jimmy's brother, Andy, and his family.
It was a really nice evening outside.

Every kid there wanted to roll down this hill.
These kids impressed me the most with their four person roll.

We had so much fun being with Kate & Jimmy.

Thanks for having us guys --
we hope you will come visit Louisville soon.

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