Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Break, How I Love Thee!

This week I am out of school. 
Whew! Thank heavens!

I can not tell you how much I have needed this break.
I am about at the point 
in this whole full time teaching and 
extra-full time {9 hours} grad student gig 
where I just want to give up.
It has been tough but
I just have 7 more weeks of grad school classes this semester.
I can do that, right? 

This week I really should be working away at many tasks that I have pushed off
to do this very week knowing I wouldn't have to teach
I just can't get myself to do them.

Instead, I have been cleaning the apartment, visiting with friends, and making art!
I am most excited about that last one.
Man, creating is in my blood.
I am thankful to have this time to be creative 
and to have a husband who is patient with my creative messes!

Here are a few things I have made this week:
Unfinished Watercolor Owl Painting

Abstract Watercolor Painting

Beaded Peacock for a sweet co-worker.
{It still needs to be resined.}

I hope you are having a wonderful week! 

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