Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Student Work: Figure Sculptures

We just finished a very fun unit in my Intro to 3-D classes.
The students learned how to cast using their bodies!

I have two sections of Intro to 3-D and
as a result of some issues with scheduling
I had each section learn a different casting thechnique.

My first section learned how to cast the body using plaster gauze.
It is very similar to getting a cast after breaking a bone.
My second section used packing tape.

Both methods cast the body beautifully but they are very different approaches.
The plaster takes longer to set but is much thicker and sturdier.
The packing tape is very quick and easy to use.
Since it is see through objects can be placed inside the forms as well.

Let me know which method you like better
after looking at the student work.
I am still trying to decide.

There will be many more pictures to come but
here are a few examples:

Brave student plastering his face during class.

Packing tape sculpture about teen suicide

Plaster gauze project about envy

Packing tape sculpture about inner beauty

Plaster gauze project about hobbies & friendships.

Plaster gauze project about diversity in America.
This piece is by a student with cerebral palsy.

Plaster gauze project about breaking through the pressures of high school.
The frame represents conforming to the "picture perfect" ideal.

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