Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Student Work

Here are more pictures of the Intro to 3-D projects:

This packing tape piece is about biracial relationships
and the freedoms we have in America.

This plaster gauze figure is about a loving memory.

(She made the other arm but she had trouble adhering it to the shoulder.)

Make it Stop!
Another piece about teen bullying.

Packing tape sculpture about the artist walking in her mother's footsteps.

This packing tape sculpture is about students' focus on grades over "education".

This piece might be my favorite!
The artist used packing tape to create waves with her hands.
This piece is about overcoming hardships.


Jeff Perellis said...

what fabulous work your student are doing. Great job Taylor - Papa P

Jeff Perellis said...

fantastic work. Your student are amazing. Great job Taylor. Papa P

Unknown said...

Your students are so talented!! I definitely like the hands as waves- so many meaning- when others are trying to tear you down and having Jesus in your boat will carry you thru the storm. ok i'm a cheeseball.
hugs to you!