My family and I vacationed near Charleston, South Carolina
last week on the Isle of Palms.
At the beginning of the week we had 19 individuals in one house.
As the week went on, we gradually dwindled down to 13
as some had to return to work or other responsibilities.
Here are some pictures from our week in the south:
^^^ GG's first flight was a success! ^^^
She did absolutely great.
We had a connection in Atlanta before arriving to Charleston.
^^^ Our house for the week on the Isle of Palms ^^^
^^^ Once we arrived, we put on our bathing suits and scoped out the rooftop views. ^^^

^^^ Our house had its very own putting green complete with 4 holes. ^^^
Although the kids didn't really play by the rules,
they had loads of fun moving the markers from one hole to the next.
^^^ Dempsey ^^^
^^^ Macklin, GG, Dempsey ^^^
^^^ Lounging on the roof with Macklin ^^^
checking out some clouds.
^^^ Beautiful Mimi borrowed Greta's shades by the pool. ^^^
^^^ Two of my favorite ladies in the whole world. ^^^
^^^ Poppy and Susan walking to the beach from our house. ^^^
^^^ Greta's first time seeing the beach. ^^^
She was overwhelmed with excitement!
^^^ Macklin jumped right into the water. ^^^
^^^ Just a little unsure of it all. ^^^
^^^ But definitely not Macklin. ^^^
He was sure of it, he was sure of it all!
^^^ Dempsey preferred the sand to the water. ^^^
^^^ Brookie and me ^^^
^^^ Greta loved the water when, and only when, she had two hands to hold. ^^^
^^^ Walking to the beach with Macklin and Crystal. ^^^
^^^ Doing what she does best ... Strutting! ^^^
^^^ Me and Cara ^^^
^^^ Mimi dancing on the shore. ^^^
^^^ Ethan gave GG a horsey ride on the beach. ^^^
^^^ Susan and Poppy ^^^
^^^ Debbie and Ethan ^^^
^^^ Cara and Danny ^^^
^^^ Building sand castles on the beach ^^^
^^^ Greta fell in love on the trip. ^^^
Danny wooed her with secrets,
and she melted into a complete puddle on his lap.
^^^ Snuggling with Mimi ^^^
^^^ Watermelon slices were a big hit until Macklin dropped his in the pool. ^^^
^^^ Dempsey ^^^
^^^ Debbie and GG ^^^
^^^ My very first selfie-stick selfie on the beach with Brookie ^^^
^^^ Snuggling with Ethan and Cara ^^^
^^^ Playing hide-and-seek with Dempsey ^^^
^^^ Brookie, GG, and I took the rented bikes out for a spin ^^^
^^^ Cara, Mimi, GG, Brooke, and me ^^^
^^^ Poppy, Susan, GG, and I took a day to explore Charleston ^^^
^^^ We took a carriage ride through the city. ^^^
Charleston is just darling.
I am going to post more of the architecture in a separate post.
^^^ Greta enjoyed the carriage ride much more than these pictures suggest. ^^^
^^^ Relaxing in the pool with Brooke ^^^
^^^ On our way to the beach ... again! ^^^
^^^ Due to online grad school classes, ^^^
I was only able to make it to one restaurant for dinner.
The Old Village Post House in Mt. Pleasant was a good one though!
^^^ After dinner, Greta and I explored the neighborhood and picked some flowers. ^^^
^^^ Our last day on the beach included Tai Chi (for some) and kisses for all. ^^^
^^^ Brookie and I adoring our sweet G on the last night of vacation. ^^^
^^^ Before we packed up, GG and I took advantage of the whirlpool tub. ^^^
She was SO excited for her first real bubble bath!
^^^ On our way home, Greta borrowed aunt Debbie's jacket and Mimi's lipstick. ^^^
She always travels in style.
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