Monday, September 27, 2010

What a lovely surprise!

Today I encountered the loveliest of surprises -- an unexpected package leaning up against the front door to our apartment. As already mentioned, I was not expecting such a package, and therefore, had no idea what the inside of this package might contain. Had I ordered something and forgot about it? Not likely.
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While I searched for clues of the sender before deciding to open it, I noticed the return address was from "BAW" in San Francisco -- I know several folks out there, but only one with the initials B.A.W. , the lovely painter Betty Adele White -- I call her Adele.

I met Adele in the Art Department at the Univeristy of Kentucky and instantly became enthralled with her work. Not only is she a talented painter but she also possesses the most magical magnetism to her that just seems to draw people close to her. You can't help but walk by her studio and instantly become interested in who she is, where she is from, what she is working on. She is delightful in every sense of the word and so is her work.

I have always been captivated by her work, the fanciful creatures and bright colors boldly painted on canvas. She is not afraid of painitng as I believe so many of us unfortunately are. She is fearless in her brush strokes and in her layers. Her paintings are so playful and fun. I have always admired and looked up to her approach to painting and her wonderful imagination that seems to have no end.

That is why I am delighted to have this precious painting added to my very own personal collection! Adele, thank you so much for the most beautiful painting I have ever owned. You are truly a gem.
Check out more of Adele's work:


Adele White said...

Awwww this is so wonderful Taylor! Thank you so much. You've made my day:) I love your blog btw. I'm going to ad you to my links:)

Adele White said...

Hahahaha I like this box better too:)

Alex said...

well let's hang this bitch up already...dang.