Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Two Years

I love you once,
I love you twice,
I love you more than
beans and rice.


I can't believe we have been married for two years.
On one hand,
 it seems like just yesterday that we were dating
and fell hopelessly in love.
I remember the butterflies in my stomach before each encounter
and the endless phone conversations while we were apart.

On the other, it is hard to imagine life without this man.
He seems to have always been a part of me.
The two years have flown by.

I believe in being transparent with others,
so I am not going lie and tell you our marriage has been smooth sailing.
We are not "picture perfect",
and as time has passed I have realized
I don't want us to be.

Honestly, we have hit some very hard trials, 
especially this past year.
But those trials have matured us in ways
 incomprehensible to the naive newlywed.
Our trials, while not pleasant, have caused us to grow deeper
in our relationship with God,
with each other,
with family
and with our {amazingly supportive} friends.

I have learned more about my husband during this tough year
than I ever thought was possible.
Pridefully, I thought I knew everything there was to know about him.
But what I discovered was humbling.
I have learned about his character and heart
and I have realized there is so much more to him than I allowed myself to see.

While I do not wish our hardships on anyone.
 I can tell you without a single ounce of doubt,
I am thankful for them.

The depth and honesty of our marriage now
has taken me by surprise.
For the first time in a relationship, 
I have seen the Gospel unfold.
We have been told my many much wiser than us,
God must have big things in store for you if he is allowing 
this storm so early in your marriage.

God's gracious hand has been on us,
although at times it felt like he disappeared completely,
and through these difficulties we both are beginning to understand
the meaning of true love.


Happy 2nd Anniversary, Alex.
I am so thankful we get to do life together.
I love you.