Friday, July 26, 2013

Monthly Checkup



^^^ If you were wondering who GG was all googly-eyed for, ^^^
here's your answer.

She lu-huvs her daddy!

Baby Girl,

Month three has been loads of fun!

Your little personality is starting to sprout
and it has been absolutely beautiful to watch.
You are oh-so-lovely, my dear.

Your voice is much deeper than I would have expected
and when you let out your low-toned chuckle,
not a soul can resist laughing along with you.

We adore your "stories" and beg you to tell us more.
You have discovered your hands
and enjoy a knuckle sandwich just about any time of the day.
You have noticed your Sassy Bug friends:
Lady, Zany, and Shelby.
It is hilarious to watch you light up at their appearance
 when we raise the car seat handle from which they dangle.
You turn your head from side to side
and have started to become distracted by voices while nursing.
Speaking of which, you are still eating like a champ
and weighing in at 11 pounds even.

This month has been a busy one.

It started out with allergy testing and 
discovering you were allergic
to beans, corn, milk, & eggs.

We traveled to Richmond, VA with auntie Amanda
to visit auntie Kelly and uncle Chad.

You got your first (and second) pedicure.
And Mommy was finally brave enough to clip your nails 
instead of just file them. 

You attended your first music festival and 
danced with mommy, daddy, and uncle Evan 
to the Alabama Shakes.

Now we are at French Lick
with the Perellis clan
celebrating Mimi's 80th birthday.

You are our absolute delight.
We love you to the moon and back.

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