
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Scrapbook: Spring Break Date with my Bestie

This occasion deserves it's own post ... 
hopefully I will get around to posting the rest of Spring Break soon,
but it has been a whirlwind of a week so far.


Alli is one of my very best friends.
We met in college and bonded over our mutual hatred of a cardboard project
 in our 3D studio art course.
{Actually, I think Alli weirdly liked the project, 
but that is just Alli for you -- 
she related to my hatred but secretly enjoyed the challenge.
Crazypants even extended the wall with cardboard
 to be able to then suspend her cardboard sculpture.
Can we say overachiever? But I love her for it!}
From that class forward, we became pretty inseparable,
and now we are lifelong besties.

Anyway, she moved to Richmond, VA a few years ago 
and recently moved to Baltimore, MD. 
To say I miss her is a gross understatement.

We both had baby girls this past year and
 it was a huge blessing for everyone to meet over Spring Break.

^^^ I see so much of Alli and myself in our little girls' expressions here. ^^^
Mackie Lane is all like, "Life is ah-mazing! I am so happy right now!!"
and GG is all, "Hmmm... I'm not so sure of whatever is happening over there but 
ML is smiling so I will a little bit too!"

^^^ Aren't these two girls GORGEOUS!?! ^^^

^^^ Greta was so happy to FINALLY meet her Uncle Mike and Aunt Alli ^^^


After introductions and a nice long walk, 
we fed the girls lunch {pureed peaches}.


There is something so speacial about meeting your best friend's daughter.
Its like, I love your momma so much that somehow I love you even more!

^^^ This family is just precious as pie! ^^^


  1. Awe so sweet! Loved seeing you and finally getting the chance to meet sweet little GG! It was a great day :)

    (And just for the record, you're right. I did have a love/hate relationship with that cardboard project... but perhaps a little more love than hate haha I know I'm weird)
