Praise the Lord, Alex has COMPLETED HIS MBA!
Raise. That. Freakin'. Roof.
I am so insanely proud of my husband,
who has diligently served our daughter and me
as he has pursued his MBA these past two years.
You see, our "plan" was to start a family
after all our education was behind us.
In our grand scheme, I would be pregnant for the first time
right now as Alex finished his last semester.
Of course, our plans hardly ever go as planned,
and we found out we were expecting the VERY week Alex started his MBA!
Talk about a surprise.
It was an insane dose of humble irony
that Alex accepted with an amazing amount of grace.
He served me well while I was pregnant his first year of school,
and trust me… I was a pretty whiny preggo,
but he has served our family even more
his second year since Greta has been born.
He has been intentional about spending time with
his girls before buckling down to do homework.
There have been many stress-filled days and lots of deadlines to meet,
but he has persevered with a determination I can only admire.
It has not been easy, and there were days neither he nor I
thought we were ever going to get through this season,
but, lo and behold, here we are raising that freakin' roof!
I could not be more proud and grateful for my husband.
Let's all now refer to him as master Alex!
Please tell Alex congratulations for me! That's awesome and I know so hard- and well- earned! I'm so happy for you guys!