
Wednesday, September 24, 2014


^^^ My latest experiment: watercolor painting + photography + Photoshop ^^^

^^^ Greta's newest favorite snack is sticky rice cylinders from Costco. ^^^
With all of her food allergies, I am always thankful for a new favorite food,
especially when it is a convenient open-and-go type of treat.

^^^ But the rice is SUPERduperSUPER sticky! Haha!! ^^^
Love her little rice mustache!

^^^ Saturday Momma Gigi came to visit ^^^
and we took a field trip to the zoo.

^^^ Greta's favorite "animal" was, of course, the bronze baby gorilla statue. ^^^
But, she did really respond to the alive animals as well.
She kept dropping her jaw when the animals moved. 
It was precious.
The real gorillas were hamming it up for all the kiddos.
They kept picking their noses and eating their boogers,
which was really getting a rise out of the audience.

^^^ Have I mentioned how much I love living in Oldham County?! ^^^
It is seriously so beautiful. This is literally what I see on a daily basis.
^^^ Homegirl has been super sleepy and fighting a little eye bug lately. ^^^
Thankfully we got some meds for her Monday
and she has been feeling much much better this week.

^^^ My friend, Chelsea, sent me these two pictures from Facebook ^^^
 to point out how similar GG and I look.
The left is a recent photograph I took of Greta
and the right is a picture of me at the age of five or so.


^^^ I layered the two images on the Photoblend app ^^^
and HOLY MACKERAL Greta and I are TWINS!
It's just cracks me up because she came out of my womb looking
straight up like Alex. I have thought she has largely favored him until recently.
So this is kind of blowing my mind with how perfect our images overlapped.

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