
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Student Work: AP Art Show

Last night I hosted the first annual NOHS AP art show.
The student artists invited their friends and family to view their portfolios.
We celebrated all they have accomplished this year
with an evening of cookies, chips, and soda pop.

^^^ GG made an appearance, ^^^
but had to leave early with her gingham twin to eat dinner.

I am so incredibly proud of my students for pushing through this school year.
We had 11 snow days this winter! 
They were appreciated at the time, 
but they significantly impacted the pacing of my AP class 
since the submission deadline was not adjusted.
These students pushed and pushed through the spring
when most other students started slacking.
Their artwork is unbelievable impressive.
My body may be tired, but my heart is incredibly full.

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