It's a new year.
There is always a buzz around this time of year
for a new start, fresh beginnings, and anticipation for what's to come.
If I am honest, after this past year, the start of a new year seems daunting.
Facing another year of unknowns and continued hardship
feels overwhelming and frightening.
My anxiety has gripped my heart and caused me to fear.
Last year was not my favorite.
Between getting a divorce, wading the waters of single parenthood,
and grieving with a close friend over her battle with cancer,
it was a tough one.
My mantra last year was, "Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)
I can honestly say that after the year I had,
having been greatly humbled by the hardships endured,
being still was sometimes all I could manage.
Knowing that God was in control, at times, was my only hope.
I am so thankful for the ways the Lord brought that nugget of truth to mind
in very tough times throughout the year
as a way to remind me of His sovereignty.
This year, I have selected a different verse to meditate on.
Acts 2: 26 references David's Psalm (16) where he sings,
“‘I saw the Lord always before me,
for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken;
therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;
my flesh also will dwell in hope."
for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken;
therefore my heart was glad, and my tongue rejoiced;
my flesh also will dwell in hope."
I cannot think of a more encouraging response than David's
after feeling the presence of the Lord, knowing that our God is always before him.
Therefore, I also want to respond to the Lord's presence with trust in His strength,
a heart full of gladness, a rejoicing tongue, and a body that dwells in hope.
Here is to 2016,
a year that seems less daunting as I dwell in its hope.
Amazing verse choice :) love you and your strength sweet friend.