Friday, November 12, 2010

The Great November Giveaway!

leather Black Shimmer Gold Covet Me in Black
Throughout November, Belen Echandia will be giving away a gift card every day, so there will be lots of chances to win. Follow these instructions:

1. Become a fan on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

2. Answer our daily question

We will post the question on our Facebook page and on Twitter. We will select our favourite answer and post the winner on our Twitter feed & Facebook page each day, along with the daily gift card amount.

N.B. You can post your answer either on our Facebook Page as a comment, or on Twitter. If you use Twitter please post @belenechandia before your answer so that we don't miss it.

3. Grow your gift card!

To make things more fun and because we would love to connect with even more people on Twitter and Facebook, we are giving every winner the opportunity to turn their winnings into something much bigger (and to win gift cards for their friends).

If you write a status update, a blog post or a website entry with the daily question and a link to our Twitter page (, we will double the value of any gift card that you win. Just send us the link.

4. Get a gift card for your friends!

For every person who is a fan of our Facebook page and/or follows us on Twitter and mentions your name on our wall or our Twitter page (adding @(your name) on Facebook and @belenechandia on the Twitter entries) we will add £5/$8 to your card, up to a maximum of £50/$80. We will even give every new person who does so a gift card of the same amount you won initially.
leather Mottled Silver Clutch Me in Mottled Silver


1. Gift cards will be sent as an email
2. Gift cards can be gifted to someone else but you must tell us who.
3. Gift cards will be valid for one year from the date of receipt and can be used as stated on the card.

Brown leather Rock Me bag

My aunt Florie just won a gift card last week!! These bags are luscious!!!

Check out the website: Belen Echandia

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