Thursday, July 21, 2011

Stella & Dot

First of all, thank you for your prayers.
These past couple of days have been emotional to say the least
and, honestly, a little eery.
I am having a little trouble processing it all.
Please know, your thoughts and prayers are very much appreciated.


Secondly, Happy 89th Birthday
to my husband's grandmother
{my grandma-in-law},
She is one hellavuh lady and I love her to death.
I can't wait to celebrate her birthday on Saturday with the Norton clan.
I am disappointed that I do not have a better photo
but Hank is the ever so young looking lady in the black.


And third, I recently attended a Stella & Dot party
and fell in love with their jewelry.

I wanted to share some of my favorite pieces:

It can be a little pricey but keep checking the website for styles for a steal.

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