Thursday, February 14, 2013

Awkward & Awesome


"Wogging" to the faculty bathroom only to find that it was occupied
and then proceeding to dance around like a toddler who has to tinkle real bad
{lots of leg crossing and swaying}
until my co-worker came out
{which felt like an eternity}. 
Swift walking/pretty-much-jogging {aka "wogging"}
down a hall full of self-conscious and oh-so-cool high schoolers
was awkward enough but wiggling outside a professional bathroom
 with my legs crossed and exhaling loudly with an expression
that revealed I seriously thought I  might wet myself 
was just down right embarrassing.

The other day I was passing out papers in my classroom.
As I handed a boy his painting, I noticed there was something rather large attached to the bottom.
 As he grabbed his paper, I realized that that something rather large
was in fact a HUGE bug.
It was at least three inches long and the most disgusting shade of brown.
It had a zillion too many legs and, well, it was just gross.
I said, as calmly as I could,
 "I think there might be a bug on the bottom of the paper I just handed you."
Then, I dropped ALL the papers in my hand
{an entired class' worth}
and backed way the heck back like a coward
and said, "Oh, how am I every going to be a mother!!"
The boy I so kindly handed the bug to
saved the day and killed it.
He thinks it was this,
and I have no idea what it was but it was horrible.
Thankfully my students are sweethearts.
They picked up all the papers I dropped and encouraged me.
Ridiculously awkward.


You better believe your sweet bottoms that I took advantage of Pajama Day
and wore my slippers and finest pair of sweat pants to work the other day!
I was in such a good mood all day --
I kind of think all pregnant ladies should be able to wear sweat pants every day.
It's just kind and considerate, ya know?

My sweet cousin, Cara, is coming in town this weekend!
I can not wait to see her.
We are only a year apart and have grown up more like sisters than cousins.
She is kind of a big deal in Washington DC
and I don't get to see her as often as I would like.

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