Thursday, February 7, 2013

Nothing but Nesting: Day 3

First victim of my nesting craze...

the freezer...

at 5 AM.
{I woke up because I had to pee,
and couldn't fall back asleep because I felt the need to clean.}

The freezer was the perfect fix.
It was short and sweet
but left me feeling accomplished for the rest of the day!

Our freezer is a large drawer at the bottom of our refrigerator.
I love the extra space it leaves for the fridge
but the freezer itself can be really awkward.
Since it is just a huge drawer, 
it is WAY too easy to just throw things in there,
on on top of the other, 
and then forget about them.

My plan of attack was simple.
Take everything out.
Check for expiration dates.
Discard all expired/undesired products.
Sort by food type.

*While everything was out of the freezer,
I did spray disinfectant on the inside.
You got to be quick when cleaning the freezer,
the disinfectant will just freeze on you in a sec.
Next time, I will probably use disinfecting wipes.*

Most of the food had not expired,
but I did notice that we have a pattern of eating ice cream
just until there is about half a serving left.
Then no one will touch it.

Put back in the freezer with other like items.
I put lunch/dinner foods on one side,
side items in the middle,
and dessert on the other side.

Now, I just need to figure out a place for that breast milk...
Any tips?

1 comment:

Sara Beth said...

Tip-freeze the milk laying flat in breast milk bags, this way you can line it up according to date in a small plastic bin