Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Artist Alert: Nicole Joelle

It was a happy accident that I stumbled upon sweet Nicole's blog
just as she was giving away a free printable.
Lucky me and lucky YOU 
because I think she still has spots available 
if you are interesting in playing along!!

As an artist who is not quite comfortable promoting myself
and/or my work, but understanding the direct correlation
between promotion and selling of one's work,
I am absolutely thrilled to help promote a fellow artist via social media.

Nicole's Print Shop is filled with affordable and adorable instant downloads
that print really beautifully on card stock. 

I printed off this lovely reminder and put it in my classroom.
It is the perfect reminder of my daily mission as a teacher,
{which on some days is easier said than done}:

Thank you, Nicole!!

Check out her shop and her blog.

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