Sunday, December 18, 2011

Kitchen Experiment = Epic Fail

As you know by now,
I am not at home in the kitchen.

It is more than just not liking to cook,
don't get me wrong...
I do not like to cook.
But it is more than that.
I am just plain bad at all things related to the kitchen.
I do not cook.

I have been quite honest with husband
about this skill-deficiency.
Lucky for me, 
he is not only okay with it, 
but enjoys taking over this domestic duty --
 at least that is what he tells me --
and he is pretty darn good at it.

So I really should not be surprised that
as I tried to temporarily deny my domestic ineptness,
my kitchen experiment went awry.

I attempted to make peppermint bark
and ended up with chocolate chunks
sprinkled with crushed peppermint.

I must have been swept away by the holiday cheer
because this one was definitely a doozy.

I used this recipe -- simple enough...
Layered Peppermint Bark Recipe
This is what is was supposed to look like.

melt chocolate.
crush peppermint.
pour melted chocolate in a pan.
sprinkle with crushed peppermint.
chill for 15-20 minutes.
repeat to layer.

This is what I got...

A horrible mess.

Of course, husband comes in to save the day.
He has the clever idea to melt down my attempt at peppermint bark
and make what he calls "dirty" peppermint bark.

It worked.

Now we have a reasonably thick bark to gift {and eat}.

And I will tell you what...
I am going to go ahead and retire my oven mitts
and leave it to the expert in the family.

Hope your holiday baking is off to a better start than mine.

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